

Accommodations are available for patrons with disabilities.

Services for Persons with Disabilities

The theater is equipped with handicapped seating at various ticket price points on the main level. This includes accommodations for wheelchairs, oversized seating, and other special seating requests. Tickets are available online, and our Box Office is happy to assist any customer in picking and purchasing handicapped seating.

(570) 826-1100. Call for details.

For hearing disabled, listening enhancement devices, subject to availability, may be obtained free of charge at the main lobby coat check. A signer can be made available upon advance request for applicable performances. Call Box Office for details.

Restrooms to accommodate patrons with disabilities are located in the main lobby.

Please allow a few extra minutes to get into the theater. Our security team now scans with metal detectors and checks all bags.

Have a great and safe time at the theater!

NO Re-Entry

F.M. Kirby Fest is coming! Enjoy A Night of Pints, Pinot, and Performing Arts.
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