Corporate Partnership

Corporate Partnership

Corporate Sponsorship and Corporate Membership

Get your business in front of thousands of people each year while helping to make an arts education experience possible for thousands of children and also help us to be able to distribute free tickets to our community-based nonprofit organizations serving low-income residents through our community outreach program.

When you become a Kirby Sponsor you not only get the member benefits, but you also receive advertising benefits which give you exposure to thousands of patrons.

There are many different sponsorship opportunities available, and we can customize one that fits your personal business needs.

Contact Joell Yarmel at 570-823-4599 ext. 225 or to find out more about Sponsorship Opportunities. View corporate membership and sponsorship options online at

F.M. Kirby Fest is coming! Enjoy A Night of Pints, Pinot, and Performing Arts.
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