Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Planned Giving is a great way to show your support for the arts and the F.M. Kirby Center’s mission for years to come! A planned gift can help you plan for your own personal, financial, estate-planning, and philanthropic goals. With a planned gift, you may actually increase the size of your estate and/or reduce the tax burden on your loved ones. You will know that you have made a meaningful contribution to the arts today and in the future.

Ways to give a Planned Gift:

Bequests are the most popular type of planned gift. A Bequest is making provisions to benefit the Kirby Center guarantees that your personal plans are carried out after death and anything that you leave to the Kirby Center will reduce the size of your taxable estate, while helping a worthy cause. You can leave an outright gift of cash, securities or property, a percentage of your estate or a percentage of the remainder after making provisions for loved ones.

Life Insurance policy that you no longer need to the Kirby Center or name us the beneficiary of a policy. For the gift of a paid-up policy, you will be entitled to an income tax deduction equal to the lesser of the cash value of the policy or the total premiums paid. To qualify for the federal charitable contribution deduction on a gift of an existing policy, you must name the Kirby Center owner and beneficiary. Even if you are still paying premiums on your policy, you can give it away, and future gifts to us to pay the premiums will be tax deductible. To name the Kirby Center the beneficiary of a policy will provide no current tax benefits because the arrangement is not irrevocable; however, it will provide a very generous gift with attractive tax benefits upon your death.

For more information on planned giving contact Joell Yarmel at 570-823-4599 ext. 225 or

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